Tuesday 16 November 2010

1.6180339887...and so on

I've been looking at the Fibonacci sequence and the golden number (1.618 0339 887...etc) during my research for my latest project. Really interested in the relationship this series of numbers has on plants and nature, and life in general. It's a very powerful and influential numbers and appears in the structure, layout and design of many things around us. Examples are pine cones, petal and leaf arrangements in flowers, trees and plants, branch growth and the proportions of many life forms, to name but a few. The Egyptians also used it to create the pyramids and it can even help to explain population growth in rabbits and other species.

I created the above typeface by using sections of a Fibonacci spiral (see illustration below) and rearranging them to produce the letter forms. I quite like how it has turned out, but this is only a starting point for this brief as I feel my outcomes need to be a lot more developed. I want to show the importance of this magical number in life. It's a tough idea, but one that I hope will be interesting!

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