Friday, 17 December 2010

"I have so much to do that I am going to bed"

I discovered this piece by typographer, illustrator and graphic designer Sebastian Lester by mistake, yet I feel it couldn't portray how I feel about my current work status better. I have so much to do this Christmas that I can't even classify it as a holiday by any means.

I was drawn to his website - - and was really impressed with his body of typographic work. He has worked in collaboration with many big name brands, including Apple, The Daily Telegraph and Penguin books, and his work is really inspiring. I love type and Lester is clearly passionate about letterforms which is refreshing to see. Here is a selection of his work:

Discovered that Seb will be coming to my uni to give a lecture at some point later this year. Excited!

Sunday, 5 December 2010


Some images of a mock-up of a booklet I have designed for my latest project. Entitled 'Patterns' it explores the importance of mathematics - most significantly the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio - in nature. The final piece will be properly bound  (so no tape will be visible) and printed on translucent stock so that the pages form layers of type, shapes  and patterns. I intend to produce a cover with letterpressed type. Really pleased with the results so far; lets just hope the final outcome actually prints successfully!